เครื่องวัดดัชนีความร้อน Heat Stress WBGT Meter รุ่น HT200
The HT200 is a Heat Stress WGBT Meter which enables accurate measurements for Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WGBT), Black Globe Temperature (TG), Humidity (%RH), Air Temperature (TA), Wet Bulb (WT) and Dew Point (DEW).
In each experiment, reducing working temperature could affect the efficiency of the PV. In the spraying water and dropping water experiments, the average efficiency improvement …
ABSTRACTThe research was aimed to improve Photovoltaic (PV) efficiency by using water as a coolant in the cooling system in order to reduce working temperature of PV. There were 2 experiments; spraying water on the front PV surface and dropping water on the front PV surface. 40 watts mono-crystalline silicon PV type was used in the experiment.