การสังเคราะห์และเตรียมชั้นของท่อนาโนคาร์บอนเพื่อใช้ส าหรับเซลล์แสงอาทิตย์แบบรอยต่อ Synthesis and Preparation of Carbon Nanotube Film for Heterojunction Solar Cells. สุวิมล ...
ABSTRACTThe research was aimed to improve Photovoltaic (PV) efficiency by using water as a coolant in the cooling system in order to reduce working temperature of PV. There were 2 experiments; spraying water on the front PV surface and dropping water on the front PV surface. 40 watts mono-crystalline silicon PV type was used in the experiment.
ABSTRACT. This research examines the methods to increase the efficiency of solar panel. The crystalline silicon panel was used to test the solar panel. This type of solar panel has high …